Sunday, December 2, 2007

"Open Notes" Test Monday - One Sheet Allowed

As posted on the marker board, our test is Monday. It will cover GLE #34, the American Government videos from Thursday & Friday of the week before Thanksgiving, and the Crusader video covered after the 18 question quiz.

You may bring one 8.5" by 11" sheet of paper with any notes you want for the test. I will collect this paper (not for a grade, but for my records) after the test. The GLE #34 notes are posted on my site (see the last Weekly Preview for a link). The other notes should have been taken in class. If you missed a day, phone a friend for notes.

I seldom give open notes tests, but I know you all want to enjoy your holidays. I will make the rest of the tests for this grading period open notes tests as my holiday gift to you.

As far as the binder check, only concern yourself with what we covered in class. We will be taking a homework holiday for the rest of the grading period (except for the research paper, still due on 4 December).

Happy holidays!!!

BTW, the Natchitoches Trip will be on Friday. Remaining seats are available on a first-come/first serve basis on Monday.