Sunday, October 7, 2007

Weekly Preview: 8-12 October 2007

Remember that we are at the end of the grading period. Any make-up tests must be completed and submitted by Tuesday or no credit will be given.

Bellringer: What have your learned this nine-weeks? (5 sentence paragraph)
GLE #20, continued as needed
GLE #21, continued as needed
GLE #22
GLE #23

Bellringer: 7 facts on the Hittites
GLE #21, continued as needed
GLE #22, continued as needed
GLE #23, continued as needed
GLE #24

Bellringer: 7 facts on the Ancient Greece
Video & mindmap on the Greeks (world history review) -- you will turn in the mindmap to Mrs. Newton at the end of class

Bellringer: 7 facts on Socrates
GLE #22, continued as needed
GLE #23, continued as needed
GLE #24, continued as needed
GLE #25
Binder Check 1.6

Bellringer: 7 facts on Plato
Video & mindmap on Alexander the Great (read the article if you miss class) (world history review)
Binder Check 1.6, continued