Bellringer: What did you learn from your Social Studies Fair Project last year?
Discuss Social Studies Fair Packets
DUE: Signed sheets for Social Studies Fair Packets
GLE #9 Notes
GLE #10 Activity
Review for Test 1.4
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Bellringer: How have the 9/11 attacks changed the United States?
Test 1.4
Binder Check 1.4
GLE #11 Activity
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Bellringer: How is cultural diversity a strength for Louisiana?
GLE #11 Activity continued
GLE #12 Activity
Video: Levees
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Bellringer: How are King Cakes an indicator of cultural diffusion?
GLE #13 Activity
Video: Levees (continued)
Friday, 14 September 2007
Bellringer: How has the levee system helped Louisiana? How has it harmed the state?
GLE #14 Activity
Video: Levees (continued)