Bellringer: Why are rivers important to Louisiana?
Review Test 1.1
Review for Test 1.2
Bellringer: How did you prepare for this test?
Test 1.2 (GLE #2) (I split the first test into two tests to move to a Tuesday test schedule.)
Discuss the Social Studies Fair Research Paper
GLE #4 Chart and the GLE #2 Maps - work in class (not due today)
Bellringer: How does a place shape a population?
Binder Check 1.2
GLE #5 Chart
GLE #6 Mind Map
Bellringer: How did the 2005 hurricanes affect you?
Note-taking strategies
Video on Hurricane Katrina: take notes on the video
Bellringer: Should the government be able to force a person to evacuate before a hurricane? Why or why not?
Video on Hurricane Katrina continued
Discuss the LEAP Constructed Response Rubric
GLE #7 Extended Constructed Response